Wednesday, December 14, 2016



"Huroob Status on Iqama or Muqeem" is not something you want to get. It means your sponsor has reported to the relevant authorities, Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Interior that you have ran away from your place of work. Huroob literally means, "escape" or "Absconder" This would basically mean that you have dishonored your work contract. Understand that getting huroob status removed is not easy. Many may claim that they can get it removed for a certain amount of money. If you intend to go back to your home country without spending anytime in jail, please read our detailed article on how to exit Saudi Arabi without Jail time in Huroob Case: Huroob Exit Saudi Without Jail
Never pay to get your huroob status removed! Most people will scam you

1: How to Check Huroob Status?

(Updated: 31-March-2016: This method is now inconsistent and may give you mixed results while checking huroob status, it is best to use the second method.)
Firstly, confirm that you actually have  been put on huroob status, please note the methods below are not 100% accurate, to be sure you can get a computer print from Jawazat office.  However, these checks are strong indicators that your sponsor has put you on huroob status, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Ministry of Labor Website: MOL
  2. Enter your Iqama / Muqeem Number in the second field, you should see "رقم الإقامة"

Reuslt Screen Huroob Check MOL

On the result screen if you get the following this is a strong sign that your Kafeel or company has placed your on Huroob. The screen should look like this:

 2: How to Check Huroob on Iqama or Muqeem?

Alternative method to check Huroob Status is through the Ministry of Interior Website:
  1. Go to the Ministry of Interior Website: Ministry of Interior Huroob Status Check
  2. Your page should read, "Public Query Available Funds" Under MOI Diwan
  3. Enter your Iqama Number in the first box "Identity Number"
  4. Enter the Image Code (Captcha)
  5. Click "View"
  6. If you get "Public Query Available Fund Failed, the ID is Invalid" there is strong indication that your employer has placed you on Huroob Status. 

Can Someone Remove Huroob?

The honest truth is that officially only your sponsor can remove the huroob status, that too within 20 days of the huroob being placed. So what to do if you find that your sponsor has placed a huroob on you? First, go talk to your sponsor, find out why he has placed the huroob status on you and how long it has been. If you can come up with a mutually beneficial outcome this would be best. However, if you feel your sponsor is being unreasonable your best course of action is to contact your consulate or Embassy.
Get your Consulate or Embassy involved. The Welfare Section will help in such cases.
Every government has a Welfare Section that is there to help you in case you find yourself in any legal issues. The Welfare Section will guide you and may even mediate between your sponsor and you. Many people will ask your for money to get the Huroob removed. Please note this is illegal and can get you into even more trouble. Secondly, if someone claims they can get the status changed always pay after removal + transfer of sponsorship (naqal kafala.)
If your sponsor has imposed an false huroob on you, you can get the huroob status cancelled and get transfer of sponsorship!

Huroob Status and What is Means for You

If it is confirmed that you are on Huroob and you can not mediate an accord with your sponsor (kafeel or company) then:
  1. You are an illegal in Saudi Arabia
  2. Your Iqama / Muqeem is invalidated
  3. You cannot get work, take a transfer, or exit the country through regular means
  4. You will be sent back home through Tarheel (Deportation Centers).
  5. You can not come back to Saudi Arabia on a work visa for at least 5 years
  6. You may be jailed for a period of time.



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