Muqeem or Iqama Expiry - Your residence permit, there is not a more important document to have in the Kingdom then you residence permit. Always have your iqama renewed on time. To be able to check iqama expiry you need to go to the Ministry of Interior website. Your Iqama or Muqeem card is required at all check points and you may be asked to produce it in official government buildings. It is always a good idea to have it on your persons at all times. Keep a copy of it in you car with the registration. To check Muqeemor Iqama expiry (Residence Permit validity) through the MOI website click on the link below. If you would like to learn more about your residence card you can go to the following link:
- Click the link:
- Enter you Residence Number in the first field
- Enter the Captcha
- Click On "View"
- You should read: "Iqama is valid until" (Please note this is a Hijri date so you should covert it to Gregorian this can be done )
The above system allows you to check if your iqama validity. Please note that you should try your level best to renew your residence card minimum 90 days before expiry. With the new muqeem cards, the card itself is valid for 5 years, which means you will not have to reprint the card, but needs to be renewed every year by your sponsor.
waoo lovely post about iqama expiry check